Trust the Folks Seniors Have Trusted for Decades
There are many misconceptions regarding LTC. Medicare benefits are very limited when care extends, Medicare mostly pays for skilled nursing care only. With that in mind, it is helpful to review insurance benefits in terms of which are relevant and what really pays when long-term care needs arise.
The average cost for Nursing home stays are all over the board. A fair number to wrap your head around is $70,000 for one year.
70% of people turning 65 CAN EXPECT to use some form of LONG-TERM CARE during their lives.
Don’t let Long Term Care planning be a blind spot in your retirement planning. We offer the top carriers in the business to help us design a plan that suits you.
Our opinion is there are many ways to plan for Long Term health care needs. Standalone insurance policies are a great tool. But there are many ways to plan on such an event.
Allow a member of our service team to review your plan for Long Term Care. We will be able to provide you with a wealth of information.
Knowing what you will do if long-term care becomes a reality, will give you the peace of mind you deserve in retirement.
Trust the folks that seniors have trusted for decades. Call Senior Resource Services Inc. TODAY